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Vision Board Your Life

June 15, 2016  |  Shardell Moore

What do you want in life? Anything is attainable. Skies are not even the limit, your mindset is!  


     A vision board is basically a set of goals you have for your life; they can include short term goals and long term goals. For example, if you want to be a stylist, you would put a picture that represents being a stylist or if you want to make a certain amount of money you would put a photo of the amount of money you want to attain.


     A vision board can be a piece of paper or a poster board that you can draw or place pictures on. My advice on making a vision board is putting action into . So if you want to make a certain amount of money there needs to be ways you can get that money, actions such as applying to jobs or going back to school or starting a business. You need to realize that a vision board is nothing without action behind it and you have to stay positive about your goals and realize that success does not happen overnight.


NOTE: Also, you need to make the distinction between realistic and unrealistic when it comes to your goals.


     The purpose of your vision board is to give you a visual of your goals in life. In the book entitled "The Secret" they discuss how you should look at your goals or think of them daily for about 5 minutes. But don't reflect too much on them so you don't stress yourself out. Just keep working towards your goals. And remember with determination and perseverance you will get there!













What You’ll Need:

Poster Board



Tape or glue



Below are steps to creating your vision board. As long as you follow these steps can’t go wrong.


Step 1: Believe

You have to believe in your goals and dreams. You have to believe you can do it; if you don't believe it you won’t achieve it.


Step 2: Think Positive  

Speak positive affirmations and place them onto your vision board; speak it into existence.


Step 3: Put up your goals

“Skies are not the limit your beliefs are” I read this on someone’s Instagram and it stuck with me. Go as crazy as you want with your goals; never let anyone tell you your dreams are less than important. In addition, opening a savings account is also a great way to help you get there.   


Step 4: Put the action behind it.

I have a vision board and my actions are in written form. One of my goals was to buy a better car. I put down the make, model, and the year I wanted and low and behold I am now driving in that car. Also on my list was to build my credit and save more money and I completed my actions which led to my vision coming to fruition; I couldn’t believe it. I did the same thing when I graduated college and it has worked in my favor.  All it took was me believing that I could do it.


Step 5: Keep it to yourself

Sometimes we get excited about our goals and we tend to share it with others but it is very important to just work on your goals in silence and let your work do the talking. Some people may not believe in your dreams and it can cause you to have self doubt. And when you are trying to fulfill your dreams there is no room for negative vibes.


Have fun making your vision boards!! I’m sending nothing but good vibes your way!!  



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