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july 25, 2016  |  Yasmeine Domond

When How To Get Away with Murder ended in March 2016, we were left with a WHOLE lot of questions that are hopefully answered in season 3.


Just to recap:


The beginning of the season opens with Annalise taking on new client’s , Caleb and Catherine Hapstall, and their alleged involvement in the death of their adopted parents. Wes in the meantime, teams up with Rebecca's foster-brother to try and find Rebecca. Connor struggles with his relationship with Oliver, while Asher works with A.D.A. Emily Sinclair in order to protect his secrets. In the mid-season finale, Emily Sinclair is murdered (by Asher), and Annalise helps cover it up (at the expense of her being shot in the stomach by Wes).


The second part of the season focuses on Wes' investigation around his mother's suicide ten years ago, and it is revealed from flashbacks how involved Annalise was with Wes' mother's suicide. The season ends with Annalise finding out that it was Frank that was responsible for her to be in a car accident and lose her unborn child with Sam, thus the reason why Sam had Frank murder Lila in the first season. The last scene of the season finale ends with Wes confronting his alleged biological father, Wallace Mahoney,  right before Wallace  is shot dead by an unknown shooter.


Questions that need answers:

  1. Who killed Wallace Mahoney? Was it Frank?

    • He  had disappeared with that briefcase of money before Wallace was shot.

  2. Who killed Caleb?

    • I’m guessing he killed himself but that’s just TOO easy

  3. Did Caleb REALLY kill his parents? Or are we still going to be looking for the real murderers of the Hapstalls?

    • I have a feeling we’re going to find out the real killer of the Hapstalls this season.

  4. Will Annalise forgive Frank?

    • Probably. At the end of the day, Annalise, Frank, and Bonnie were all used and manipulated by Sam. They need to form their own support group.

  5. Will Asher get away with the murder of Emily Sinclair?

    • Definitely. I’m really not worried about this but I’m curious to see how it plays out.

  6. Will Laurel and Wes explore a romantic relationship together?

    • Probably not. I’m getting possessive vibes from Frank and I doubt Laurel wants that drama.

  7. Will Wes commit suicide?

    • I mean, he was thinking about it earlier in the second season and he did commit himself to a psych ward. Also, seeing his “real” dad killed in front of him is definitely not going to make his mental state any better.

All in all, I am very excited for season 3. There are too many unanswered questions and so many plot twists to be shown. I really don’t have any predictions for the new season because HTGAWM always throws a curveball at you constantly, but I have no doubt this season is going to have me screaming on my couch and leaving me breathless.

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